But potential purchasers say they’ve been put off pre-orders by Forspoken’s £65/$70/€80 Steam price point. (A digital deluxe version of the game with digital art book, soundtrack, and DLC pack meanwhile costs £89.) As a comparison, recent big Steam releases such as EA’s Battlefield 2042 and Microsoft’s Halo Infinite are both set at £49.99. That £50 price point is relatively standard for new and upcoming Steam launches. If you were to pre-order Bandai Namco’s Elden Ring, for example, or Capcom’s Monster Hunter: Rise, or Sega’s Total War: Warhammer 2, all are set at £49.99. “No way am I paying that price,” one Steam user commented on seeing Forspoken’s Steam page, in one of the many community threads full of surprise at the game’s cost. “I’ve wanted to play this since several of the trailers were released but I am not encouraging this price point at all.” “No way, they add an addition $15 to the price tag for no reason?” said another. “Holy mother of goats what’s up with the price?” said a third. Last night also brought the announcement of another Square Enix gaming coming to PC: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade. This is will be available via the Epic Games Store from 16th December. The game is currently not available for sale - though an early look at a splash banner for the game’s store page shows a £69.99 tag. Eurogamer spotted this price point being advertised this afternoon. [UPDATE: This price has now been removed, and the game will reportedly now retail for £65.] We’ve asked Square Enix for comment.